Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rooms of Desire and Relaxation... or so I wish

My favorite thing about design is EVERYTHING!! I love to collect insight from others as well as share fantastic thoughts, visions, and dreams for that Perfect Place...
With creativity comes a world with no end and for this I am not only grateful but always excited for what may occur in my brain while trying to either Sleep at night or simply get thru my day...

 This is a must for my future and it should be for your too!!

Today, just like yesterday, I have a thought that i have found Stuck and not willing to exit at any point in time...What shall you ask could be this thing nagging me to death... WELL..... I cannot say just yet but i will say its definitely my favorite thing yet... Texture, textiles, colors, soft plush yumminess ( if that is a word - it is going to be now )... I have this passion to dream big and conquer all that I can... I often stumble on the silly little words.. How...why this, i doubt it will occur, or even I have the largest challenge with NO! I am pushing thru all those nasty little words and instead all i am going to say - like a train named Thomas once thoughtfully praised... "I think I can, I think I can".... And I WILL:) I am a mom that not only dreams for the world to be experienced for and by my children but for myself too.. I want to travel and photograph the million desires of the world and experience the wonderful appetites that feed my soul... With this dream i will work hard and make it a reality someday.... Now on to some favorites for my weekly postings to challenge your inner designer and if not Call Me ... I can certainly help with your vision... Love to all and a fabulous week to everyone:)

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