Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hi ya'll what a beautiful day it is. Well i was so glad to enjoy the time spent with my brother, sister in law and cute niece over this past thanksgiving week. Our families had such a great time just hanging out and watching the kiddos play with eachother. Tallyn just loved Jaiden and he said to me "Mom she is so cute I just can't get enough of her". I love that my kiddos get along so well with their cousins even when they don't see them very often. Well Christmas time is here and i am finding myself in a "Bah Humbug" mood since my kiddos will be traveling to Utah for Christmas with their daddy, and as a mom I have never been without them for a holiday and i am so sad i won't be able to see their faces on Christmas morning, but as Scott reminds me often he had to do it last year. I think this is the worst part about being single is knowing that your children will not always be with you for the holidays. I wish everyone a VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!!! I look forward to the new year and what is in store, and to put an end to this hard year for all our families.